Background Of Study
Every country in the world benefits greatly from education. It is significant because it is necessary for the transmission of cultural heritage and the advancement of any country's technological capabilities. Every country, including Nigeria, recognizes the value of education and allocates significant budgetary resources to it on a yearly basis (Nwosu, 2008). Similarly, parents and guardians spend a significant amount of money each year to fund the education of their children or wards. They consider their children's or wards' education to be a worthwhile investment in their families' future social and economic well-being. Parents and guardians typically expect schools to be accountable for the education of their children for which they pay large school fees. In other words, school owners must justify the money they collect from parents as school fees by ensuring that their schools provide effective teaching and learning; otherwise, they risk losing patronage as parents withdraw their children to better schools.
School administrators strive to create an enabling environment for effective teaching and learning to thrive in order to account for the school fees collected and maintain an adequate number of students in their schools. In schools, high quality assurance entails providing the majority of the factors that contribute to effective teaching and learning, which in turn affects students' academic achievement. Teacher-variables, environment/family-variables, and school-variables are just a few of the factors enumerated by Postlethwaite (2007). The "teacher-variables," as the teacher is the ultimate implementer of the curriculum, are said to have the greatest impact on the learning outcome of all of these factors (Postlethwaite, 2007). The effectiveness of the teaching (teacher) is one of the teacher-variables that has a significant impact on students' academic achievement. Afe (2003) defined effective teaching as the type of teaching characterized by intellectual, social, and emotional stability, a love for children, a positive attitude toward the teaching profession, and the ability to inspire good qualities in students. Vogt (1984) defined it as the ability of instruction to inspire students of various abilities while incorporating instructional objectives and assessing the students' effective learning modes. Teaching effectiveness, according to Evans (2006), is a measure of how well instructional goals are met. It refers to a net increase in intellectual aptitude and skills as measured by students' accomplishments. Sanders’ (1999) and Wenglinsky’s (2000) work asserted that teacher effectiveness is the single biggest contributor to students’ success. Teacher effectiveness outweighs other factors which influence students’ performance such as class size, gender and socio- economic background of the students.
According to Undie, Udama, Michael, and Anyoipi (2018) a resource is anything which can be used to create further wealth and contribute to economic activity. This include natural,human and capital goods. teaching resources therefore refer to human, materials, funds, and time at the disposal of educational administrator for the pursuit and attainment of the objectives and goals of education. Teaching resources in a university setting include lecturers, administrative staff, buildings, books, library, laboratories, funds, time among other things, used to accelerate goal attainment in universities. Teaching resources cover all those materials human and non-human, drawn or photographed, built, manually or electronically operated, books and all forms of related materials used in teaching and learning process (National Teachers Institute,2006). Akpan and Etor (2015) claim that teaching resources in higher education refer to everything needed by higher institutions to achieve its goals and objectives. Hence, the quality of these teaching resources is critical for teaching effectiveness.
Statement Of Problem
The only purpose of Nigerian university education is to produce high-skilled labor to improve the country's economic well-being. Teaching and or good instructional delivery, as stated in the national strategy, is one of the most effective vehicles for reaching these goals and objectives. Unfortunately, due to the inadequate quality of educational resources available to crucial players in the university system, achieving these aims through efficient instructional delivery/teaching has remained a daunting problem. The quality of teaching resources at all levels of education, notably in universities, is dismally inadequate, according to research findings and experience. Starting with lecturers, classrooms, libraries, instructional aids, and financial resources, none of these resources are overlooked. This has had a negative impact on teaching efficacy in most Nigerian universities because no instructor can teach effectively unless they have the necessary qualifications and professional competence. Similarly, even highly educated professors have found it difficult to offer efficient training due to a lack of adequate and poor-quality classrooms, teaching aids, libraries, and funding. As a result, the quality of university graduates has suffered, and the prospects for future economic security have been jeopardized, as the majority of graduates have been declared unemployed.
Objective Of Study
The primary aim of this study is to examine teaching resources and its impact on teaching effectiveness in college of education in Nigeria. Below are the specific objectives;
Research Question
The following research question guides this study:
1.5 Significance Of Study
The findings of this study will ensure that lecturers in universities are trained and provided with adequate funds for attendance at conferences, seminars, and workshops to keep themselves abreast of modern methods of teaching to remain relevant in universities. There should be a revitalization of our Nigerian university libraries through adequate funding and provisions of relevant and current textual materials as well as information technology. Therefore, the government and relevant agencies should show commitment and political will in this direction. More classroom blocks and teaching resources should be provided to make for an easier process in the delivery of instructional delivery in Nigerian universities.
Scope Of Study
The purpose of this study is to assess teaching resources and its impact on teaching effectiveness in colleges of education in Nigeria. The study will also delve into examining the availability rate of teaching resources in colleges of education in Nigeria; determining if teaching resources contribute to the teaching effectiveness of teachers; and examining the factors affecting the availability of teaching resources in colleges of education. This study will be delimited to College of education, Akamkpa, Cross River State
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